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Tria Splendor Bracelet

Sale price$310.00

*Please note that as we use natural gemstones, each piece will vary in colour and shape, making every item unique. A protective coating is applied to safeguard the stone from damage.

Discover the sophisticated charm of our Tria Splendor bracelet, a gold-plated masterpiece featuring three carefully selected raw gemstones. Handcrafted with precision and ethically sourced, each bracelet showcases the natural variations in colour and shape of the stones, ensuring every piece is one of a kind. Embrace the spiritual benefits and elegant allure of these unique combinations.

Selenite, Amethyst, and Pink Rhodonite: Selenite purifies and cleanses, amethyst soothes and balances, and pink rhodonite nurtures love and compassion. This trio brings clarity, tranquility, and emotional healing.

Tiger Eye, Citrine, and Black Tourmaline: Tiger eye enhances courage and confidence, citrine attracts abundance and joy, and black tourmaline provides powerful protection and grounding. This combination promotes strength, prosperity, and stability.

Pyrite, Selenite, and Black Tourmaline: Pyrite boosts energy and vitality, selenite purifies and brings peace, and black tourmaline offers protection against negative energies. Together, they create a shield of positive energy and clarity.

Tria Splendor Bracelet
Tria Splendor Bracelet Sale price$310.00